Langwich Podcast

Decoding Languages

Langwich Season 2 Episode 2

We are back with interviewing a professional linguist, and our guest this time is Dr Lauren Sadow, who has been working in the field of semantics to do what seems impossible: to decode languages! Whoever has tried learning a language before knows that we need to go much further than learning grammar and vocabulary if we want to be functional and competent in our target languages. Wouldn't it be great if there were a way to infiltrate ourselves in these "secret language files" and go way beyond our grammar books? Or somehow be able to understand meanings as a native speaker?

Hosts | Isabella Schulz & Lissara Bergamaschi.
Supervisor | Kelly Shoecraft Lecturer of Applied Linguistics.
Editor | Raia Pinhati.
Music | Doppel.
Proudly supported by Griffith University, Australia.