Langwich Podcast

Learning a Language, Blind!

Langwich Season 1 Episode 5

Learning a language is never an easy task, but have you ever imagined how it would be to learn a language being blind? In this episode of Langwich, we talked with Tiana Offord, a student of Languages and Linguistics here at Griffith who is legally blind. What are her strategies? What necessary adaptations guarantee her success? Where does she want to go from here? Got curious?! So don't miss out on this extremely insightful episode with one of our super-talented linguists! Languages (and learning in general) can and must be accessible to everyone!

Hosts | Isabella Schulz & Lissara Bergamaschi.
Supervisor | Kelly Shoecraft Lecturer of Applied Linguistics.
Editor | Raia Pinhati.
Music | Doppel.
Proudly supported by Griffith University, Australia.